Sunday, September 20, 2009

Looking for My Next Sugar Rush and a Sovereign Fashionation

I recently watched the entire two seasons of the British TV series "Sugar Rush" (thanks for the introduction, Kate!). The main character, Kim, had some terrific outerwear. Her best friend, Sugar, pulled off the glam-queen look in every scene, invoking nostalgia for my old drag days. The character, Saint, knocked me out with her fashion...I think about her whenever I go to dress myself now.

In my attempt to repurpose and thrift more clothes this fall, I've been raking through my closet for some sweet treasure. I've found a few exciting pieces, and as I ponder how to rework my old clothes I come back to the images of the characters on "Sugar Rush" that have sparked my imagination and new lusty lady crushes; I want to borrow Saint's clothes AND date her at the same time. This experience is bringing me back to the exciting admire-desire spectrum I have so often embodied in my femme life.

It's no surprise that all this creative fashion energy and inspiration comes tangled with the amazing lady-music featured in the show. I've been thirsting for new music and I think I've finally found some. Watching this show was a great investment of my time.

Now that I'm done, though, I'm eagerly anticipating my next queer femme inspiration... any ideas?