Hi-- I've been following your blog for awhile and I'd love to send you a proper email.... Could you perhaps contact me via my own blog, www.ThreadForThought.net (email address on the Contact page)? Looking forward!
hello, my name is cynthia and i actually found you on tumblr. i'm interested in learning what you're researching in. i recently graduated from suny fredonia with a degree in psychology, criminal justice and sociology. please, if you have time, send me an email at chan0671@fredonia.edu thank you, cynthia
i recently moved to Brooklyn for a new job, leaving a life of sweet friends, night fires, and spooning mabel behind. when i'm not teaching i like to learn '80s pop songs on the guitar, make/do/practice art, cook and eat delicious food, mix drinks, go to the farmer's market, listen to public radio, take long walks through the local library, and host my own queer fantasy "what not to wear."
Hi-- I've been following your blog for awhile and I'd love to send you a proper email.... Could you perhaps contact me via my own blog, www.ThreadForThought.net (email address on the Contact page)? Looking forward!
my name is cynthia and i actually found you on tumblr. i'm interested in learning what you're researching in. i recently graduated from suny fredonia with a degree in psychology, criminal justice and sociology. please, if you have time, send me an email at chan0671@fredonia.edu
thank you,
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