Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sex Workers! Karate! And boobs for everyone!

Such great news. A group of sex workers in India, it appears, is learning karate:

An unrelated thought... I want to post a blog about queerfemmes and boobs: boobs and queerfemme identity; small-boobed femmes; boobless femmes; self-breast examinations; bras that (don't) fit; boob assumptions; mastectomies; boob contradictions; great boob expectations; boob enhancements; boob reductions; size size size; queer boobs; boobs and the babycrazies (all this crap I'm hearing lately praising pregnancy for bigger boobs but simultaneously blaming it for so-called baby "fat"); boob bombardment; boob health; boob worries and woes; Tune In Tokyo; motorboating; leave it to cleave; how cleavage divides us (right?!!); boob play; the ladies' consent... Yah. I want to explore all of this. Wanna add some ideas before I get started?


QueerFemme said...

boobs! I want to understand and appreciate the complicated relationships other people have with their bodies and the long road they take to love and celebrate their bodies. BUT as a very small boobed femme, I get cranky when people make cleavage and its display a major marker of femme identity. I have heard a few too many spoken word poems on the subject... What about breast cancer survivors? what about femmes with no boobs? What about femmes who don't want to display their stuff?

Little Ms Whatshertights said...

Thanks for your great comment, QueerFemme. I hope to explore the issues you're raising here. I, too, am a very small boobed femme, which has been a complicated struggle--yes struggle!--for me. I've had countless conversations with smart femme communities on this very subject throughout the years, and it remains an open and important issue to me that I want to keep reconsidering.

It might also be worth mentioning that some femme (and other) communities have yet to acknowledge that boob size and body size are not always neatly aligned--just as thin-bodied femmes might have large boobs thick-bodied femmes might have small boobs... There is often an expectation that body size and boob size are congruent and this is not always the case.

And YES, I agree that cleavage is often considered to be a "major marker of femme identity," and while I wholeheartedly celebrate this I have personally struggled with how my own body "fits" into this ideal.